Six Word Stories and Live Event Art
Live Event Art by Ami

Six Word Stories
The Lord Loves A Joyful Giver
-Morgan Allen
All for the good of community
-Lesley Wilder
New spaces, new faces, new frontiers
-Hope Benko
New journeys, new friends, new frontiers!
-Donna Emery
For such a time as this.
-Keela Vaughn
Live into this exciting moment together
-Charley Scarborough
It took all of us to make it!
-Suzan Fenner
Creative expression at its very best!
-Claire Colombo
Hope for spreading God’s love everywhere!
-Katherine Harper
Amazing welcome, sharing love of Christ
-Carol Sedlacek
for encouraging love spreaders always, thanks!
-Lauren Greenwade
Ripples of formation keep traveling outward.
-Jennifer Shadle
New creation underway in our community
-John Lewis
Opened my heart! Changed my life!
-Patty Speier
It was my pleasure to give
-Bill Lasher
My gift memorializes dear Leslie Williams ’82
-Stockton Williams
Ushering in the kingdom of God!
-Barkley Thompson
God’s love will always liberate us.
-Minerva Camarena Skeith
Standing on history, forward into frontier
-Kai Ryan
Over/Above beyond what is imagined
-Awa Jangha
Jo Craig inspired us to give!
-Barbara Whitton
Journeying together, with God, in hope.
-Mary Ann Huston
Imagining the Seminary of the future!
-Chad Vaughn
Formation in community. Faith in action
-Frank & Louise Samuelson
Of course you did, of course.
-Nancy Springer-Baldwin
Building beautiful spaces for faithful leaders
-Carrie Duncan
Equipped me–serve anywhere doing anything!
-Lacy Largent
SSW Formed Delaware’s very best priest.
-Charles Lane Cowen
Inspiring students. Inspiring future. Inspired church.
-Danielle Tumminio Hansen